bo, ashley, morgan and claire
the wedding was in new orleans, and we went down there thursday night because the bridesmaids luncheon was friday morning. while i was hanging out with the girls, bo took morgan to the aquarium of the americas. bo said it was REALLY crowded, but, as luck would have it, they ran into my brother and nephews while they were there.
and i think the kittens were suprised too! morgan loves them, but i'm sure drives them crazy! she wants to be wherever they are and is constantly picking them up, moving them and sometimes dropping them. i know they are happy when we leave for work/school in the mornings!
morgan is out of town for this week :-( so maybe i'll have time for another post before she gets back!
one of the primary ideas on MB is the idea of emotional needs and a love bank. according to dr. harley, everyone has a "love bank" for each person in their lives. when someone's love bank maintains a consistenly high level, it causes you to feel love for that person. and ideally, the love bank you have with your spouse will always have the highest balance of all of your love banks. but what usually happens in affair situations is that the spouse makes more withdrawals than deposits. this can happen over time when you start to neglect your spouse's needs. you get caught up in the demands of your career and your children. you don't take time to make your spouse feel special and loved. you assume your spouse knows you love him/her and understands that you are extremely busy. in short, you take your spouse for granted (or he/she takes you for granted). then along comes mr or miss "makes me feel important". this person doesn't have to worry about whether the kids are sick, making the mortgage payment on time, or why you still haven't fixed that leaky sink. this person makes plenty of deposits in your "love bank" b/c yall seem to have so much in common and he/she always makes you feel good. in turn, you make deposits into this person's love bank and over time, you both start to feel "love" for each other.
i think you can see where that scenario is going.
please follow this link http://www.marriagebuilders.com/graphic/mbi3300_needs.html to find descriptions of these needs and how to meet these needs. you will also find a link to an emotional needs questionnaire which you can print out (2 copies) so you and your spouse can identify your top emotional needs and begin to make an effort to fulfill those.
in my opinion, this topic is important for all married people. bo and i are both very aware of each others needs and make an effort to fulfill them. it's not only for people whose marriages are in trouble. it's for anyone who is married, who wants to stay married and wants to be as happy as possible in their marriage.
ever since we met, he has always sent me 3 roses, b/c he says it means "i love you" and he always sends me pink too...
also on friday, morgan had her valentine's party at school...somewhere between 25 and 30 three and four year olds...mass chaos will always ensue...but the kids enjoy it!
morgan did a couple of crafts but her favorite part was decorating (and eating) a heart shaped cookie....